ICPerMed Workshop 2017

Innovative Concepts on Data Generation and Use for Personalised Medicine Research

The first ICPerMed workshop took place on 26-27 June 2017 in Milan, Italy. In five parallel sessions, experts and funders from different fields of personalised medicine discussed and developed solutions for the following topics:

  • Primary Prevention
  • Disease reclassification
  • Impact of data in research
  • Successful PM approaches
  • New tools impact
Opportunity and challenge for Health Care System – The impact of Data in PM Research.
Jaak Vilo, University of Tartu, Estonia
Data collection and Management in PM Research
Alfonso Valencia, Barcelona Supercomputing centre/ELIXIR, Spain
Working Panel 1 – Prevention: “Innovative concepts for data generation and data use in Personalised Preventive Medicine”
Speaker: Olga Golubnitschaja, University Hospital Bonn, Germany, EPMA, Belgium
Rapporteur: Vincenzo Costigliola, European medical association, Belgium, EPMA, Belgium
Working Panel 2 – Disease reclassification: “Reclassification of genetic diseases: unresolved limitations and challenges”
Speaker: Giovanni Tonon, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Italy
Rapporteur: Nataša Debeljak, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Working Panel 3 – Impact of data in research: “Data analysis in personalised medicine”
Speaker: Valérie Barbié, Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, Switzerland
Rapporteur: Virginie Hivert, EURORDIS, France
Working Panel 4 – Successful PM approaches: “Successful PM approaches in Oncology and Rare Diseases”
Speaker: Janna Saarela, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
Rapporteur: Enrico Capobianco, CCS. University of Miami, USA
Working Panel 5 – New tools impact: “New tools and research strategies in PM”
Speaker: Christoph Bock, CeMM & Medical University Vienna, Austria
Rapporteur: Pietro Liò, University of Cambridge, UK
Milan Workshop Report 2017

The ICPerMed workshop “Innovative Concepts on Data Generation and Use for Personalised Medicine Research” took place on June 26-27th in Milan, Italy. The workshop was a great success and will support ICPerMed in planning the next steps to initiate European as well as international collaboration in personalised medicine and the implementation of the results into the national health systems.
