Vision Paper on Personalised Medicine Research & Implementation by 2030Vision Paper

ICPerMed has developed a vision of how the use of personalised medicine approaches will promote “next-generation” medicine in 2030, more firmly centred on the individual’s personal characteristics, leading to increased effectiveness, economic value, and equitable access for all citizens to the best possible healthcare.

This vision and its five perspectives are outlined in the ICPerMed Vision Paper.

ICPerMed has defined the vision and its perspectives by consulting with European and international experts, covering the entire range of relevant sectors and professional backgrounds.

ICPerMed is confident that its members, as well as the European Commission, will take the perspectives presented in the paper into consideration when planning upcoming and future programs and activities. ICPerMed will continue to act as a communication platform for existing and future initiatives and organisations related to personalised medicine and the perspectives presented.

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The ICPerMed Vision Paper presents the future vision of ICPerMed on personalised medicine research and implementation by 2030.

An commentary presenting the vision of ICPerMed on how personalised medicine (PM) will lead to the next generation of healthcare by 2030 was published in the Journal of Translational Medicine in April 2020.

An article describing the methods of the expert consultation was published in Personalized Medicine in March 2020.