19 December 2023 – ERA PerMed has published its Final Brochure that summarises ERA PerMed’s activities and achievements with a focus on the research consortia funded in the first joint transnational call (JTC2018), co-funded by the European Union.
The journey of the ERA-Net Cofund ERA PerMed, which was supported by 32 partners from 23 countries and co-funded by the European Commission, has come to an end. ERA PerMed has successfully aligned national and regional research strategies and promoted excellence in the field of personalised medicine by supporting multidisciplinary, trans-sectoral and multi-national collaborative research and innovation projects. In the five Joint Transnational Calls (JTC) launched by ERA PerMed, more than 130 M€ have been invested to fund 111 research consortia, which include close to 600 partners from all over the world.
To summarise ERA PerMed’s activities and achievements, a comprehensive Final Brochure was developed. The brochure showcases informative statistics from the 6-year duration of the programme, actions carried out to support young researchers and foster patient involvement in personalised medicine research, as well as some highlights from the research consortia funded in the first Joint Transnational Call (JTC2018), which was co-funded by the European Union.
This brochure describes only the beginning of the impact from ERA PerMed’s funding activities, since many of the projects funded by the programme are still ongoing and their outcomes and their implications will be clearer in the years to come.
With the end of ERA PerMed comes a new beginning – the newly launched European Partnership on Personalised Medicine (EP PerMed) is continuing offering funding opportunities in the field of personalised medicine research. A preannouncement of EP PerMed’s first Joint Transnational Call 2024 is already available.
For more information please visit the ERA PerMed website.
ICPerMed congratulates the ERA PerMed consortium and its collaborators on the project achievements and thanks them for their valuable contribution to implementing the ICPerMed Action Plan.