HEcoPerMed Publication

06 December 2023 – Researchers from the HEcoPerMed consortium published a special issue of Future Medicine / Personalised Medicine: VOLUME 20, ISSUE 4 / JULY 2023 with the following articles.

  1. HEcoPerMed, personalized medicine from a health economic perspective: lessons learned and potential opportunities ahead
  2. Financial incentives to promote personalized medicine in Europe: an overview and guidance for implementation
  3. Cost–effectiveness of alternative NTRK testing strategies in cancer patients followed by histology-independent therapy with entrectinib: an analysis of three European countries
  4. Cost–effectiveness of extended DPYD testing before fluoropyrimidine chemotherapy in metastatic breast cancer in the UK
  5. Budget impact and transferability of cost–effectiveness of DPYD testing in metastatic breast cancer in three health systems
  6. Cost–effectiveness of genetic-based screening strategies for maturity-onset diabetes of the young
  7. Cost–effectiveness and budget impact analysis of screening strategies for maturity-onset diabetes of the young in three European countries
  8. Lessons learned from the application of the HEcoPerMed guidance to three modeling case studies

The special issue is also available here: https://www.futuremedicine.com/toc/pme/20/4 

HEcoPerMed (Health economic modelling and payment strategies for personalised medicine) aims to identify the best health economic modelling and payment strategies for personalised medicine to differentiate between the promises of personalised medicine and reality, and to stimulate the adoption of promising personalised medicine approaches across the EU.

The project responds to the demand for economic models that evaluate treatments made possible through innovations in personalised medicine. HEcoPerMed also seeks to identify funding and reimbursement mechanisms that provide financial incentives for the rapid development and uptake of such innovations. It goes beyond current assessment and payment models in order to serve the need of personalised medicine for more comprehensive cost-effectiveness estimates – incorporating patient and societal perspectives – and for sustainable affordability of cutting-edge health innovations.

HEcoPerMed was part of the ICPerMed ‘Family‘.