ICPerMed Conference ‘Personalised Medicine – From Vision to Practice’

The second conference of ICPerMed “Personalised Medicine – From Vision to Practice” assembled virtually around 500 viewers from 57 countries. The conference was hosted by the French National Research Agency (ANR) on February 25-26, 2021 and presented solutions and strategies on how to successfully implement personalised medicine approaches.

The conference gathered international renowned speakers bringing their expertise on patient preferences, data harmonisation, personalised medicine implementation into healthcare systems, collaboration between academia and industry and on the value of personalised medicine for healthcare. ICPerMed also honoured best practices in personalised medicine research through the ICPerMed Recognition 2020 that aimed to recognise, encourage, promote and disseminate outstanding examples worldwide. Finally, ICPerMed showed the opportunities offered by personalised medicine to fight infectious diseases and in particular the COVID-19 during a dedicated session and discussed the latest scientific advances in diagnostics about the severity and susceptibility of COVID-19 infections.

Overall, the take home messages of this conference, to move personalised medicine forward, were 1/ to continue to enhance education and literacy of every component and stakeholder of the personalised medicine ecosystem, 2/ to increase the engagement and the mobilisation of the civil society, 3/ to develop further collaborations and initiatives throughout the globe, 4/ to facilitate innovation and the transfer of scientific knowledge, 5/ to implement personalised medicine globally and 6/ to pursue our effort toward sustainability.

Please see our press release for further details.

The video recordings of the conference sessions are available here or in the ICPerMed Youtube Channel.


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The conference is organised by ICPerMed and is financially supported by the European Union and Agence National de la Recherche (ANR).