ICPerMed Cooperation with EP PerMed

26 January 2024 – ICPerMed members participated in the so-called Extended General Assembly of the European Partnership for Personalised Medicine (EP PerMed) on 24 January 2024 in Brussels. The new body brings together all ICPerMed and EP PerMed partners to ensure close collaboration between the two initiatives to promote the translation of personalised medicine into practice.

In his speech, ICPerMed Chair Ejner Knud Moltzen reflected on the successful work of ICPerMed since its launch in 2017, and initiated a lively discussion on how ICPerMed could collaborate with EP PerMed in the future. A follow-up presentation on ERA-Net PerMed provided valuable insights into its successful work and the outcome of its Joint Transnational Calls. Representatives from BBMRI-ERIC gave an insight into biobanking and biomolecular resources enabling personalised medicine, and EIT Health reported on its regionally anchored EU-wide tools, policies and programmes. A presentation by the Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud (IACS) broadened the programme to include the perspective of an EU region, following presentations at EU level.

ICPerMed, ERA-Net PerMed and the so-called “ICPerMed Family” have had a huge impact on the development of the European Partnership for Personalised Medicine (EP PerMed) and we look forward to working with all initiatives and partners to improve future healthcare for all citizens through personalised therapy, diagnosis and prevention.