28 April 2023 – ICPerMed is happy to announce the publication of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for Personalised Medicine (PM). This SRIA will support a wide range of stakeholders and experts to further develop programs, activities, and research towards PM and care, as well as prevention. In line with this mission, its main intention is to support the planned new European Partnership for Personalised Medicine (EP PerMed).

The SRIA aims to ensure that the long-term vision of EP PerMed is translated into tailored roadmaps with funding and supporting activities, objectives and measurable outcomes. Therewith, the SRIA complements the EP PerMed proposal that has recently been submitted to the European Commission (EC).
The SRIA was developed by a dedicated drafting group, composed of Member States’ representatives and in close collaboration with the EC. The drafting group was established in 2021 in order to support the first phase of the EP PerMed preparations, i.e. the development of a draft proposal for EP PerMed, that was published by the EC in February 2022, and the SRIA for PM.
The structure and content of the SRIA is based on the drafting group members’ knowledge, existing strategic documents, and further available information. Even more importantly, it presents the outcome of several activities and events of which some were organised with the support of the EC, the International Consortium for Personalised Medicine (ICPerMed), and connected consortia like the European Research Area Network for Personalised Medicine (ERA PerMed).
Among these activities were interviews with more than 70 experts and stakeholders to gather general ideas, recommendations, and information related to PM and, particularly, to identify so called “Triplets of Action”, short “ToA”, defining concrete challenges, objectives, and the expected outcome of actions to foster PM research and implementation of innovative PM approaches. These ToAs are the core elements of the SRIA. They are presented along the main areas crucial for an effective development of PM, also called the value continuum: “interdisciplinary research and development efforts”, “successful innovation” and finally, “implementation of PM approaches into healthcare”. Further ToAs were identified for “overarching activities” to support PM development and implementation.
The first set of 47 identified ToAs was validated in an online consultation (November -December 2022), supported by ICPerMed. The drafting group utilised the findings and suggestions to further refine the SRIA. The results have been published as a report on the ICPerMed website and the ERA PerMed website in March 2023.
Together with ICPerMed, an expert workshop was arranged in Pamplona in January 2023. This event was dedicated to topics and areas crucial for the development and implementation of PM approaches based on interdisciplinary research achievements and has been a significant contribution to the SRIA. A report summarising this workshop has recently been published on the ICPerMed website.
In this 1st version of the SRIA for PM (2023), in total 57 ToAs and other valuable recommendations and conclusions are presented to enable the future development and implementation of PM approaches for the benefit of patients and sustainable healthcare systems. The SRIA for PM is a living document that will be updated according to latest advances and crucial developments of relevance.
For any questions around the SRIA or EP PerMed, please contact eppermed@dlr.de.