13 March 2023 – Publication of the report on the open consultation for the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) in support for the European Partnership for Personalised Medicine, EP PerMed.
The EP PerMed Drafting Group, representing the European Members States group, has launched an open consultation to validate and receive input for the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda in support for the European Partnership for Personalised Medicine, EP PerMed. 129 persons from 21 countries filled the questionnaire and thereby took the opportunity to share their view on future activities for accelerating the development and implementation of Personalised Medicine approaches. The open consultation resulted in an overall validation of the identified ToAs. Beyond that, seven additional ToAs were suggested by the participants of the open consultation and in total 13 ToAs received suggestions for adaptions in wording or content.
The detailed report on the open consultation is available here.