SAPHIRe Final Event

08 March 2022 – On the 25th and 26th of April 2022, the SAPHIRe project will hold its final conference entitled “Personalised Medicine in European Regions – A Roadmap to the Future of Medicine” in the Flemish Parliament in Brussels. The event will provide insight and inspiration into how regions contribute to the development and implementation of personalised medicine.

SAPHIRe, which stands for Securing the Adoption of Personalised Health in Regions, is a 3.5-year project (2019-2022) that is managed by a consortium consisting of the department of Economy, Science and Innovation of the Flemish Government, the Public Health Agency of Northern Ireland, EIT Health/InnoStars and EuroBioForum Foundation. 

The project was initiated to support the development and implementation of personalised medicine in European regions, including in remote and sparsely populated regions, and to establish and support networking between regions. SAPHIRe is part of the “ICPerMed family”.

On the 25th  and 26th of April 2022, SAPHIRe will hold its final conference entitled “Personalised Medicine in European Regions—A Roadmap to the Future of Medicine” in the Flemish Parliament in Brussels. The event will provide insight and inspiration into how regions contribute to the development and implementation of personalised medicine. After two years of online meetings and teleworking, this event is an opportunity to meet each other in person again. The event will be COVID-safe and follow the latest recommendations.

The event will feature speakers from all over the quadruple helix; regional representatives discussing policy approaches, scientists informing about the latest state-of-play, as well as representatives from industry, patient organisations and other stakeholders with interest in personalised health, from European, national, and regional entities. Lessons learned during the project will be highlighted and the event will offer a chance to engage in interregional networking.

Who should attend?
Regional actors, such as regional policy makers or representatives from hospitals, academia, genetic centres, primary healthcare providers, cluster organisations, patient organisations, SMEs, start-ups, large companies, and other stakeholders active in personalised medicine.

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