Statement concerning European Partnership

17 December 2019 – ICPerMed and ERA PerMed published the joint statement “Towards the Implementation of Personalised Medicine in Europe – The Advantage of a European Partnership”.

The statement stresses the need for establishing a European Partnership for Personalised Medicine. Already a lot has been achieved by a large number of international, pan-European, national as well as regional activities and initiatives. But to further develop and foster promising personalised medicine approaches, there is a need of an even closer collaboration and effort which could be achieved by a European Partnership for Personalised Medicine in Horizon Europe.

With its next research and innovation framework programme Horizon Europe, the European Union will support European Partnerships with EU countries, the private sector, foundations and other stakeholders.

The International Consortium of Personalised Medicine (ICPerMed) brings together more than 40 authorities from EU member states and beyond. Members include Ministries of Research, Ministries of Health as well as public and private ‘not-for-profit’ health research funding and policy organisations.

ICPerMed provides a platform to initiate and support cooperation in personalised medicine research, funding and implementation. The high level of participation enables ICPerMed to efficiently map the scientific and political landscape for personalised medicine, thus aligning research and funding activities at European and international level. Based on an extensive knowledge of activities in the field, ICPerMed members are developing and agreeing future research actions. In addition, ICPerMed aims to identify the requirements for a suitable framework to foster the development and implementation of personalised medicine in terms of infrastructures, resources and regulatory procedures.

Download: Towards the Implementation of Personalised Medicine in Europe – The Advantage of a European Partnership – a joint statement of ICPerMed and ERA PerMed (PDF)