ICPerMed publishes a State-of-the-Art report on an annual basis and seeks to facilitate the follow-up of the development of personalised medicine research and its implementation throughout Europe and beyond.
ICPerMed is continuously mapping activities in the field of personalised medicine to promote achievements and successes in research and implementation as well as to honour activities of ICPerMed member organisations. A set of initiatives and activities supporting personalised medicine development and implementation are presented in this 2023 report.
The 5th ICPerMed Workshop was dedicated to the latest developments in technology and innovation that are driving personalised medicine innovation. The workshop showcased achievements and experiences of researchers, clinicians, biotech and industry leaders, and thus provided insights on how to drive personalised medicine-related innovations in healthcare. Furthermore, examples of promising technologies, tools and perspectives were presented.
ICPerMed developed a study on “Challenges, Opportunities, and Facilitators in Implementing Personalised Medicine” that outlines strategies for integrating personalised medicine into healthcare systems, aiming to improve health outcomes and create sustainable healthcare systems through research, development, innovation, and implementation. It presents identified significant hurdles for personalised medicine implementation and offers actionable recommendations for stakeholders, including healthcare professionals, policy makers, patient organisations, and researchers.
The ‘2nd ICPerMed Family Meeting – Staying connected to shape the future of Personalised Medicine’ took place virtually on 19 October 2023. The aim of this meeting was to continue the collaboration between ICPerMed and its related Coordinating and Support Actions (CSAs), also in the light of the European Partnership for Personalised Medicine (EP PerMed).
One aim of ICPerMed is to accelerate the translation and implementation of results of personalised medicine (PM) research projects. In order to understand the barriers and gaps currently encountered by researchers, the ICPerMed Secretariat conducted and analysed a survey with researchers from PM projects. The results of the analysis, including potential strategies to overcome the barriers, are summarized in this document.
PM-related clinical research is essential to validate personalised therapeutic diagnostic and screening approaches as well as specific treatments that can safely optimise the individuals’ diagnosis, care and prevention, thus contributing to solve public health challenges. Policy, research funding and regulation play essential roles in the adaptation of research strategies to the specificities of PM. Therefore, the presented set of recommendations specifically aim to guide these stakeholders to support the successful development and implementation of innovative PM approaches.
The Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for Personalised Medicine supports a wide range of stakeholders and experts to further develop programs, activities, and research towards PM and care, as well as prevention. Its main intention is to support the planned new European Partnership for Personalised Medicine (EP PerMed). The SRIA aims to ensure that the long-term vision of EP PerMed is translated into tailored roadmaps with funding and supporting activities, objectives and measurable outcomes.
This is the report of the 4th ICPerMed Workshop, entitled ‘Preparing the Future for Personalised Medicine: EP PerMed’, which took place in Pamplona (Navarra, Spain) on January 17-18, 2023. The goal of this workshop was to discuss with the different involved stakeholders three areas that are relevant for realising the full potential of a Personalised Medicine approach: research, innovation, and implementation. Other essential transversal aspects were also addressed, such as the appropriate supporting framework including incentives, regulation, business models, regional and international perspectives, infrastructures and data access, patients and citizens engagement.
Open Science and Open Access are key aspects of the Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) approach. It provides online, free, re-usable and shared access to scientific information (peer-reviewed scientific research articles and research data). In order to implement open access policies and data integration of research data into European databases, ICPerMed has compiled guidelines for personalised medicine research projects.
The ICPerMed Workshop “Personalised Medicine: How to Ensure Value-based Implementation” took place as hybrid event in Brussels on 21-22 June, 2022. With this workshop, ICPerMed intended to exchange and find agreements on the mechanisms and key aspects of value-based cross cutting effects to guide an appropriate implementation of personalised medicine (PM) for the benefits of patients and citizens.
The 2nd ICPerMed Workshop “Citizens, patients and implementation” was organised by the Spanish ICPerMed member ISCIII and took place from 5-6 November 2019 in Madrid.
There were high-level plenary sessions and four working groups. The working groups met in parallel and discussed the following topics:
- Personalised medicine: How to ensure awareness and empowerment for all citizens?
- Which are the Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI) of personalised medicine research and implementation?
- Transfer of research results into the market: How to optimise a safe, fast and economic process to implement personalised medicine approaches?
- Personalised medicine in the health system: How to ensure sustainability and an effective collaboration between all health care players as well as with prevention services?
With its second State of the Art (StoA) Report, ICPerMed seeks to share information on the consortium’s activities and achievements during the November 2017 to October 2018 period. Besides general information about ICPerMed’s activities (meetings, consortium composition, reports/statements developed, etc.), the 2018 StoA report concentrates on the mapping database1 and the analysis of the data collected/ presented.
With this yearly report, ICPerMed seeks to facilitate the follow-up of the development of Personalised Medicine research and its implementation throughout Europe and beyond. This State of the Art Report resumes the ICPerMed activities performed in the first year since the establishment of the consortium: November 2016 to October 2017. It describes the strategies and achievements ICPerMed delivers on its objectives and serves as an instrument to monitor the efforts of, and steps taken towards, the implementation of the ICPerMed Action Plan.
The ICPerMed workshop “Innovative Concepts on Data Generation and Use for Personalised Medicine Research” took place on June 26-27th in Milan, Italy. The workshop was a great success and will support ICPerMed in planning the next steps to initiate European as well as international collaboration in personalised medicine and the implementation of the results into the national health systems.
Further Information
- How personalised medicine will transform healthcare by 2030 – article in the Journal of Translational Medicine
- “International consortium for personalized medicine: an international survey about the future of personalized medicine” – article in the Journal Personalised Medicine
- “Personalised Medicine in Europe” – article in the Journal Clinical and Translational Science by the European Commission
- Report on the Personalised Medicine Conference 2016 (01.06.-02.06.2016) by the European Commission
- “Towards an International Consortium on Personalised Medicine ” by the European Commission
- Strategic research and innovation agenda (SRIA) of the ICPerMed precursor project PerMed (PDF)