What is the International Consortium for Personalised Medicine (ICPerMed)? What is the ICPerMed Family? What are our activities? How can you get in contact with us? How does the ICPerMed microcosm aim to foster the development of Personalised Medicine?
About the International Consortium for Personalised Medicine – Watch our ICPerMed introduction video
ICPerMed provides a platform to initiate and support communication and exchange on personalised medicine research, funding and implementation. The high-level participation from all over Europe and beyond enables ICPerMed to efficiently map the scientific and political landscape, allowing an alignment of research and funding activities on European and international level and fostering actions toward personalised medicine implementation. ICPerMed was initially developed as European initiative but is acting globally to foster the development of “Next Generation Medicine”.
The video can be seen with five subtitles: English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.
The Personalised Medicine Journey – From the past to the future
“Personalised Medicine”: Collaboration to foster implementation?! What is the vision of Personalised Medicine and how to make it a reality for the patients and citizens?
Input of the European Commission and of ICPerMed:
Irene Norstedt (European Commission), Ejner Moltzen (ICPerMed) and Wolfgang Ballensiefen (ICPerMed) are taking us on a journey from the past to the future (vision) of personalised medicine and of ICPerMed itself.
Focus on the ICPerMed ‘Family’ and their support to make personalised medicine a reality
ICPerMed works in close collaboration with the European Research Area Network for Personalised Medicine (ERA PerMed) and several Coordination and Support Actions (CSAs) funded by the European Commission. This so called ICPerMed ‘Family’ has an important role in supporting the research and implementation of personalised medicine in Europe and beyond.
For all videos, five subtitles are available: English, French, German, Italian and Spanish:
1) Fostering the development of personalised medicine through RESEARCH PROJECT FUNDING
The European Research Area Network (ERA-Net Cofund) for Personalised Medicine, ERA PerMed, aligns research and funding activities and transforms ICPerMed’s strategic reflections into reality. In 2023, after launching in total 5 annual calls, over 100M€ will be invested in personalised medicine research through ERA PerMed in cancer, neurosciences, infectious diseases and other medical fields.
2) The importance of REGIONS for personalised medicine development and implementation
Healthcare is often organised at the regional level. We can capitalise on a region’s knowledge, research, development, investment, and innovative implementation pilots, to further scale-up personalised medicine approaches. Learn more about the CSAs SAPHIRe and Regions4PerMed.
3) INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION: “Healthy lives for all at all ages”
The common understanding of personalised medicine, the promotion of international standards and global collaborations, are key to fostering the uptake of personalised approaches in healthcare. International collaboration is essential to ensure that personalised medicine approaches are applicable as broadly as possible and not limited to a specific regional context, to make healthcare more efficient and equitable. EULAC-PerMed, Sino-EU PerMed, IC2PerMed and EU-Africa PerMed foster the exchange with Latin American and Caribbean countries, China and African countries, respectively and build bridges between the EU and these regions.
The implementation of personalised medicine approaches requires suitable frameworks around infrastructures, funding and regulatory procedures: From patient stratification, clinical development and uptake in practice, to reimbursement. PERMIT is focusing its reflections on clinical trial design in personalised medicine. HEcoPerMed aims to identify the best health economic modelling and payment strategies for personalised medicine.
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Video Interviews
Mairéad O’Driscoll (Chair of ICPerMed) and Indridi Benediktsson (European Commission) gave two short interviews at the ICPerMed Executive Committee Meeting on 24th and 25th October 2017 in Lisbon.
EC Video on PM Projects
The ‘Innovative and Personalised Medicine Unit’ of the European Commission (EC) DG RTD Directorate E-Health has published a video on ‘How co-operation paves the way for personalised medicine’. (2017)
Several examplary successful projects funded by the EC under its framework programmes for research and innovation are presented. As one of those projects ICPerMed is also part of the video.