New publication of the CSA PERMIT

11 January 2022 – The CSA PERMIT (PERsonalised Medicine Trials) published a scoping review on the topic of machine learning methods for patient stratification. It highlights common elements of successful biomarker discovery stories.

One of the aims of the PERMIT Coordination and Support Action is to publish scoping reviews that review the relevant scientific literature and position papers in order to provide an “inventory” for a specific topic. The first scoping review with the title “Biomarker discovery studies for patient stratification using machine learning analysis of omics data: a scoping review” was now released. It takes a deeper dive into the success stories of biomarker discovery studies that led to clinically validated FDA-cleared tests or laboratory developed tests and highlights their common elements. These findings lay the foundations for the upcoming recommendations of the PERMIT project on machine learning methods for patient stratification.

The PERMIT project is part of the “ICPerMed family”.