Draft Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for Personalised Prevention

01 October 2024 – The first draft of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for Personalised Prevention of the ICPerMed Family project PROPHET was presented to invited experts at the Nanna Svartz Auditorium, BioClinicum, in Stockholm. The event brought together stakeholders from various sectors, including representatives from patient and citizen organizations, researchers, academics, healthcare professionals and policymakers who participated in group discussions and presentations. The aim was to gather external feedback on the SRIA which will now be fine-tuned.

According to the consortium definition “personalised prevention aims to prevent the onset, progression and recurrence of disease through the adoption of targeted interventions that consider the biological information, environmental and behavioral characteristics, and the socio-economic and cultural context of individuals. This should be timely, effective and equitable to maintain the best possible balance in lifetime health trajectory”. Starting from this definition, PROPHET is developing and will finalise the SRIA, the project’s final product, through a collaborative platform where all interested actors can register and co-create. The final version of the SRIA is expected to be available by September 2025.

The PROPHET consortium is a multidisciplinary group of organisations across 12 Countries working on the different dimensions of Personalised Prevention that includes: Research organisations, healthcare organisations, public authorities representing research funders and national health agencies, citizens and patients’ associations, scientific societies, European Research Infrastructures and private partners. The project has been funded by the European Commission’s Horizon Europe programme and is part of the ICPerMed Family.